Our projects have ranged from green fleet best practice analysis, through sustainability reporting, or sustainable innovation and design work with manufacturing companies, to automotive R&D and project management. Previous clients have ranged from small SMEs and sustainability consultancies to universities, multinational global manufacturers and service sector companies.
"...has supported me in crafting both technical papers and publicly available publications in climate risk thought leadership. Julie is motivated, thorough and has shown that she can challenge convention with very successful results."
James, insurance company
"Julie ...supported the creation of GATE, the learned society promoting engineering for sustainability and resilience. (She) has helped as a volunteer, a trustee/director, a peer-reviewer, a member, and with delivery of CPD training on Transition Engineering, She brings her own research perspective to Transition Engineering and her persistence, thoroughness and vision have added greatly to the endeavour."
Daniel, director of GATE
"Julie...worked in my team on a critical project to develop an advice tool for fleets. As well as delivering on that project, Julie made very positive contributions to discussions across the business, particularly on the broader issues of sustainability. She is personally passionate about this topic and a deep thinker whom I enjoyed working with."
Andrew, green consultancy
Julie Winnard, Jacquetta Lee, David Skipp, (2018) Putting resilient sustainability into strategy decisions – case studies, Management Decision, Vol. 56 Issue: 7, pp.1598-1612
A summary of the results of testing SuReSDSTM at two clients, Ford Motor Company and Butyl Products (a manufacturing SME).
Winnard, J., Adcroft, A., Lee, J., Skipp, D. 2014, June. Finding Balanced Synergies-Putting Resilient Sustainability into Business and Technical Strategy. In 4th Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment (ACSEE) Proceedings, International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Osaka, Japan, Nagoya (pp. 12-15)
An overview of the SuReSDSTM approach and some early results in detail- redesigning a female hygiene product for aid NGOs.
Winnard, J., Adcroft, A., Lee, J. and Skipp, D., 2014. Surviving or flourishing? Integrating business resilience and sustainability. Journal of Strategy and Management, 7(3), pp.303-315
A review of the theory on sustaiable business, resilience and strategy, and the thinking underlying the SuReSDSTM approach.